Blog Post #2 Together, but Alone

Technology has changed the way people interact with each other because technology is all around us. In Sherry's TED talk she talked about how her and her daughter both sleep with their phones right next to them. This didn't happen 10 years ago. She says "They not only change what we do, but who we are.". She's talking about our relationships. She talks about the parents at the breakfast table on their phones and their kids complaining about not having their parents full attention. How hypocritical. You know those kids are doing the exact same thing to each other when they hang out together on their own time.
I think we use technology to hide from others and from ourselves. Sherry talks about how she's seen people on their phones at funerals to get away from their emotions. I can actually relate to this because sometimes when I'm walking somewhere I'll look at my phone to avoid talking to someone or even making eye contact with someone. I think our relationships with our phones and social media ruins our relationships with our significant other. You might think your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating or is losing feelings for you so you'll check their Twitter likes and see who's Instagram pictures they've been liking. You kind of start to creep on their accounts and then you find exactly what you were looking for. You find that your boyfriend has been liking that girls pictures or that your girlfriend is following that guy you hate. This happens because social media and technology occurs to us when we're most vulnerable. Sherry even says almost the same thing in her video. Sherry says in her TED talk that it's good to be alone. Social media makes us feel like we're not alone right? Not exactly because when we are alone and we look at our snap stories and see that everyone we know is together having fun without you it makes you feel even more alone. We feel like we're missing out. All of our relationships change because of technology and they will never be the same.


  1. I totally agree with you on all your statements! I have found myself looking through others profiles and even using my phone so I don't have to talk to a certain somebody.

  2. I agree with you. We do use technology to hide from ourselves and others. When alone, we tend to reach for that phone. I am not excluding myself from that "we" because I have definitely turned to my phone when standing in line at a grocery store or etc. I like the example Turkle used about people texting at funerals--I have seen it before. Like she said, we use it all the time and because we do that, because we're so "connected," we fall victim to not being connected to ourselves.


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