Blog Post #11 Famous TV Couple

In class on Thursday my group decided that we really liked Jim and Pam from The Office.  We thought they were really realistic but when we got to really talking about it, we realized that they weren't very realistic at all. Jim and Pam met in their office at work. At the beginning of the show Pam had a boyfriend but Jim still really likes her and it's obvious that they have a real connection. Once they get married they go through real life problems like any other couple. They really don't have any huge fights though which is very unrealistic. We learn from Jim and Pam that when you go though problems in your relationship that you need to work them out together and everything will be fine.
This relates to fake love because every couple goes through problems and every couple fights. Growing up my parents fought about everything and are happily still married. Jim and Pam live together (obviously because they're married), have two kids, work in the same office, and some how never seem to get into any big fights. To most people they would be considered perfect. That is the message they are sending. They want people to know that they are perfectly happy and are the perfect married couple. Which, again, is very unrealistic.


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  2. I agree with your thoughts on the couple Jim and Pam! They do seem pretty realistic in comparison to other "famous" couples. They seem to both be very mild mannered and not getting in super emotional arguments, like you said is very unrealistic. The message that these fake couples are sending make love seem perfect without problems


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