
Blog Post #12 Womens Empowering ads It shows a larger woman with her arms up and it says "fab?" with a check box next to it and "fit?" with a check box next to it. this advertisement is for dove and I found it on a women's online magazine. in this advertisement they want us to believe that she loves her body no matter what. And I believe that she does but it still doesn't make sense because the ad is still calling her fat. They want us to believe the world is so judgmental that even if she does love her body people will still call her fat and see her as fat. Even if it isn't true, that is how people feel about it. it shows a woman in a skin tight dress and her top half is flexing. This is an ad for MAC the makeup brand and is on a website for the Heffi

Blog Post #11 Famous TV Couple

In class on Thursday my group decided that we really liked Jim and Pam from The Office .  We thought they were really realistic but when we got to really talking about it, we realized that they weren't very realistic at all. Jim and Pam met in their office at work. At the beginning of the show Pam had a boyfriend but Jim still really likes her and it's obvious that they have a real connection. Once they get married they go through real life problems like any other couple. They really don't have any huge fights though which is very unrealistic. We learn from Jim and Pam that when you go though problems in your relationship that you need to work them out together and everything will be fine. This relates to fake love because every couple goes through problems and every couple fights. Growing up my parents fought about everything and are happily still married. Jim and Pam live together (obviously because they're married), have two kids, work in the same office, and some h

Blog Post #10 Brand Identity

A brand identity is the kind of person who wears a specific brand and the reputation that brand carries. One store that I shop at is TJ Maxx. The brand identity is, high quality, name brand clothes at a low cost. I know this because it is advertised on TV and because I shop there on a regular basis. A store that I do not shop at is Gordmans. This store has a very similar brand identity to TJ Maxx. The difference is that the clothes sold at Gordmans is not high quality and it is not name brand. Gordmans manages to keep their inventory pretty on trend but sadly, these cloths are so low quality that they basically fall apart after a year (sometimes less) of wearing them. Brand identity is important because it can keep you from making bad purchases.

Blog post #9 Duke University Porn Star

In class we watched 4 different videos about a porn star who was also a college student. All of them were concerned about different things. We watched the news show Take Part where they mainly focused on the fact that she's a student and she's paying her tuition. They didn't think it was a big deal that she was doing porn because she was an adult and could make her own decisions. Next we watched The View and they talked about her and they were the only news show that was actually concerned about this girl. One of the hosts even said that it broke her heart that she had been watching porn since she was 12. Over all they had the mentality that if she does porn it's her choice.

Blog post #8 Justin Bieber's Photo Shopping

In the first video we watched the vlogger explained that she didn't think Justin's legal team would have denied the photo shop if they wouldn't have changed the size of his penis. She explained that his legal team had sort of a "deny till we die" mentality for this incident. After watching we discussed that Bieber himself didn't have much to say about it because photo shop is normal for models, but his legal team had a fit. In the second video we watched the two hosts of the Think Tank show were kind of poking fun at Justin a little bit. They did this because he didn't look bad before the photo shop. He looked like a normal 20 year old man. The whole ordeal was based on masculinity. Bieber had to be huge otherwise he wouldn't look as masculine? The way Americans see masculinity is by the way a man looks. He has to be bigger than normal; his muscles, his height, and apparently his penis.

Blog Post #7 Cultivation Theory and Torture

Cultivation theory is the idea that people watch television and movies that most depict societies and situations that are believable or that are the same as the reality they live in. In the TY show 24 Jack Bower uses torture to get information out of people, much like in real life. The US armed forces use these same tactics to get information out of criminals. These tactics, such as water boarding usually do tend to get information out of criminals but most of the time the information is false. Shows like this tend to scare Americans and other viewers of things that will probably will never happen to them. By this statistic, it is obvious to see that Americans tend to relate TV shows and movies to their real lives even if they don't mean to.

Blog Post #5 Can Gaming be good for us?

There are many that believe gaming is bad for people and children. There are also many people who believe that gaming can be very good for us. It is all about how that person sees gaming and how gaming has impacted them in their lives. In Why we Play and Gaming Can Make a Better World we hear the sides of the argument saying that gaming is good for us. When people play they are optimistic and believe they can achieve anything. In Jane McGonigal's TED talk she says that all of the worlds problems would be solved if people had as much optimism in their every day lives as they do when they're playing games. I also believe that video games can be a good thing if people are playing for the right reasons. I believe that because when people play games they have a sense of personal empowerment to win but if they're winning at life then they will always feel empowered and the world could be a better place. This also relates to accomplishing your goals. This was talked about in W